About Me
Hello everyone! My name is Olivia and I’m completing a 2021-2022 Fulbright English Teaching Assistant grant in Yunlin County, Taiwan. Like many ETAs before me, I’ve decided to capture my teaching experiences and adventures in a blog.
Some background info: I hail from the Washington DC metro area. After graduating from Wellesley College with a degree in East Asian studies and economics, I worked at a civil rights org for a year before coming to Taiwan. I’m half-Taiwanese and am absolutely obsessed with my motherland culture, food, and language as you will surely discover through these entries. Otherwise, I love hiking, reading, cooking, traveling, and watching movies/TV.
About this blog’s title; My family name in Chinese/Taiwanese is 春美 (Chun-mei or Tsun-bi) which means spring beauty. I was named after my Ama, my maternal grandmother, as we were both March babies. Anyway, I’ll be teaching in Yunlin County (雲林縣) and Yunlin literally translates to “Cloud Forest.” So “Spring in the Cloud Forest“---that’s meeeeee! It’s cheesy, I know. Just go with it.
Oh and because they make me say this, FYI: “This is not an official Department of State website or blog, and the views and information presented are my own and do not represent the Fulbright Program of the U.S. Department of State.”